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  • Steve Auth

Resources For Quarantined Missionaries

Virtual Spiritual Exercises. Whether you are a "retreat regular" or you have never been on a retreat before, this online version of the St. Ignatius' Spiritual Exercises will give you the spiritual connection to take your soul to a deeper level. What a wonderful way to spend your isolation days!  

Holy Week At Home is an online retreat to help you delve deeper into the central mysteries of our faith from the confines of your home. It includes daily reflections and live-streamed liturgies to accompany you in your faith journey this Holy Week.  

During this challenging time, MAGNIFICAT is providing complimentary access to their online version to help people pray and follow live-streamed Mass at home.   

Regnum Christi provides different resources to help everyone pray within the confines of their homes. This includes live-streamed liturgies as well as different prayers and devotions. 

Looking for a spiritual pick-me-up or boost? Then Spiritual Smoothies are just for you! These short videos, two to three minutes long, include small excerpts from the growing library of longer, Retreat Guide videos. On that we would like to highlight: "Have you ever reflected on the earthquake in Christ’s Passion, or the angels who point to how paltry and weak the powers of this fallen world really are?" Click here for this great short meditation.

Do you find yourself wondering at times on how to fill the rest of your time after prayers? Or when sleep eludes you at night? Here's a list of Catholic movies you can watch during your period of isolation!

Kids are home! While too much TV watching is never encouraged, there are times when the little ones simply need to quiet down. Here are a list of movies safe for them to watch. Free.  


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